Neural gas learns a self-organizing map
Similar to a Kohonen map, another self-organing map, but this time the topology is learned. Goal is to learn a topological structure to relate “close” datapoints to each other. Winner-takes-most. Growing neural gas starts with two-neurons and keeps adding a bisecting neuron until the stopping criteria is met (e.g. performance measure below threshold)
- Given an input dataset $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$
- Init “weights” $w_i \in \mathbb{R}^n$
- Pick a datapoint $v$ from $x$,
- For each weight $w_i$, calculate the distance to $v$
- For each weight, determine the number (cardinality?) of how many other weights are closer to $v$ than $w_i$, which is $k_i$ -> closest weight is $w_{i0}$
- Then, update the weights to better match the data
- $w^{new}_i = w^{old}_i + (\epsilon) (exp(-k_i/\lambda)(v-w^{old}_i )$
- basically, the new position is the old position moved closer to $v$, decreased by $\epsilon$, decreased by the number of weights ahead of it in line, $\exp(-k_i/\lambda)$, in the direction of the point$v$, -> $(v-w_i^{old})$
- Create an edge between the two closest points to $v$, $C_{i0,i1} = 1$ set the timer to 0 for this edge
- If the edge is already there, reset the timer to 0
- Add 1 to each timer of all connections to $w_{i0}$
- Remove old connections with time over threshold $T$
- Fritzke, B. A Growing Neural Gas Network Learns Topologies. NeurIPS. 1994.
- T. Martinetz, S. Berkovich, and K. Schulten. “Neural-gas” Network for Vector Quantization and its Application to Time-Series Prediction. IEEE-Transactions on Neural Networks, 4(4):558-569, 1993.