Hi, I’m Blake
I’m a writer and computer generalist focused on digital marketing, artificial intelligence, and web design. Some samples of my writing can be found in the notes section of this website, which includes some samples of content writing across domains and a lot of notes about AI/computers.
Previously I researched safe artificial intelligence @Mizzou. During this time, I published five scientific articles in international venues. You may not know, but communication is just as important to the scientific process as research, so this experience taught me a ton about efficient and persuasive writing.
I’m new to making websites, but I love coding, so I made this one using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git/Github, and the Hugo static site generator (like WordPress but faster and more coding). The source code for this site lives at this Github repo (it’s free and open-source, punk!). Web design is the digital version of woodworking – it’s all boxes!
Offline, you can find me playing in the great outdoors, cooking spicy food, drinking craft beer (it’s Oktoberfest season!), and hanging out with my friends and family. Send me an email, I would love to hear from you!